How Does Amazon Calculate the Other Costs Involved with S3 Storage?

May 19, 2011

We’ve previously covered  storage costs and bandwidth costs which are two of the three overly complicated components  that make up an S3 storage bill.  Storage and Bandwidth make up the vast majority of most monthly bills but there is a third, much smaller component that they call “Request Pricing”.  Amazon defines “requests” as POST, COPY, PUT, [...]

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How does Amazon S3 calculate bandwidth used?

May 17, 2011

This is our second post in a series on how to decipher the byzantine Amazon S3 pricing Schedule.  In our last post we covered S3 pricing for storage, and how it was calculated.  This post will delve into the bandwidth calculations for Amazon S3 storage in hopes that you can avoid that surprise bill that we read [...]

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How does Amazon S3 Calculate Storage Used

May 11, 2011

The pricing model for Amazon’s S3 storage is like a math problem with too many variables.  There is storage used, bandwidth used, puts and gets and surely more that get poured into the simmering pot that is your S3 billing charge.  This post will be the first in a series of short posts explaining how [...]

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Amazon’s Cloud Drive uses S3 Storage, but it’s definitely NOT S3

April 11, 2011

Chris Brogan wrote a scathing post about Amazon’s new Cloud Drive product that caught my eye.  He makes some excellent points about the closed nature of Cloud Drive and concludes that it just “needs to get better – please”. Any file storage site that’s been developed by someone else for you to use has been [...]

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The problem displaying large file and folder counts has been fixed

April 8, 2011

We have a few users with really large file and folder counts within buckets that were not being displayed correctly.  That problem has been fixed.  Because FileZoomer is a Java Webstart app the next time you run it you’ll automatically get the latest version so there is nothing you need to update on your end..

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What is an Amazon S3 Bucket?

March 24, 2011

Essentially Amazon S3 buckets are like virtual containers that hold your digital files. To some they appear to be like the folders on your computer but unlike those folders each bucket name must be 100% unique across all of Amazon S3.  There are other restrictions as well.   Bucket names can only contain lower case [...]

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FileZoomer is now Available for Beta Testing

March 21, 2011

Beta testing for FileZoomer is officially open so now’s the time to get signed up and start using FileZoomer to manage your Amazon S3 account. We’ve had good response from Beta Testers so far but we need more comments so please, if you have an S3 account download FileZoomer and let us know what you [...]

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Searching Buckets within your Amazon S3 Account

March 17, 2011

To Search your the active bucket within your Amazon S3 account using FileZoomer just launch the product and log into your account. Once inside the account you’ll see a see a search section at the top right of the navigation screen.  Simply enter your search argument and click “Go”. You’ll see the results of your [...]

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Uploading files to S3 using FileZoomer

March 15, 2011

Uploading files to your Amazon S3 account is both intuitive and easy using FileZoomer.  Just log into your account, navigate into the folder you want the files uploaded into and then click the “Upload” button.  Then navigate through your local file system, select the files and they’ll begin uploading. Drag and drop is also supported, [...]

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Moving Files Between Buckets Using FileZoomer

March 15, 2011

FileZoomer provides an extremely easy way to move files between the different buckets of your account.   To move files between buckets just take following steps: Highlight the file(s) you’d like to move Click Edit in the FileZoomer menu Select “Move to other S3 Folder” Change the current Bucket to the destination bucket you want [...]

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